Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



Fleck, Meyer, and Marshal on the boston pops. Get a copy here

I have a few fav songs. I mean the ones you want played at your funeral. Mostly cuz they have had an impact on your life for years.

Sliding down it right up there. Especially this version.

Sliding down

I have the entire show for anyone that wants it.

It is a 10 (?) year old performance of the Boston Pops performing with Edgar Meyer. The Boston Pops open, Edgar plays a few songs with them, Bela Fleck and Mike Marshall come out for 4-5 songs. It is mostly the uncommon ritual stuff. An amazing show.

If you are at all interested please send me your address at beerorkid aaaaaaaaat gmail dot com
and I will ship it right out to you with some extra’s.

And here are two more captures of the concert.

Old Tyme

chromium picolinate

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