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finally wireless in ubuntu

So I have a linksys wireless router. Worked great with my linksys wireless card on the laptop in windows. But I do not use windows on the laptop. Wireless in linux is always been a problem. Why should a wireless product producing company cater to the 5% of us who use linux? Cuz we will buy your fricking crap, duh. Case in point, Nvidia has the linux market cornered because they supply drivers in linux for their cards.

Anyway I was lucky enough to borrow the legislatures belkin card for a night to see if it would work in edgy eft ubuntu. Oh man does it work. According to the wiki, “works right out of the box with no configuration”, they were right.

Belkin F5D7010 Wireless G Notebook Card from newegg for $20 and my laptop is fricking wireless baby.

Man I love ubuntu and am severely bummed by linksys. you have lost my biz.

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