Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |




Wow internets around here suck. Raining here. We just kicked it once again and bought a bunch of tequilia. Drank under grass covered bars, jacuzzi, HBo, lunch, maybe a disco (they have party clubs in the resort), and just enjoy the surroundings. Even with storms the place still rules. They do not try to give you generic liquor. Been enjoying anjeo tequila without asking.

They have a shot called a bumbelbee, it is kaula, vanila cream liquor, and topped with a pina colada with blue caracou. It takes a bit and they like to give the bar a round when they make them. Met a few peeps that way. We tip, and boy do they remember. Tried to communicate with some Britt’s who murder english, but it is fun to listen to them talk so silly. Wickersham……

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