Downtown bike lane meeting tonight. ride down if you can.
3 Comments · Posted by beerorkid in bikes, lincoln, Lincoln News
Hey, everyone. There is a bike lane meeting today, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Energy Square (11th & O Streets). I have confirmed this meeting and its location with the Planning Department.
ride your bike down and join in on the fun.
Had a little too much fun last night and all morning I knew there was something I had to do today, took about 3 hours of delving into the bowels of my thinking machine to find it 😉
not really sure how I am gonna make a difference at this thing. maybe just my presence there will help though.
Oh wait I could do an interprative dance explaining what it is like to be treated like I am not traffic downtown.
sweet a reason to break out the unitard 😉
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