We were a little nervous about how the pups would handle this event. We thought about leaving Maggie at home since she can be a bit protective and is not the most social dog, but she loves water. We figured Fuggles would have a blast and headed out. We got there at about 6:40 and there were lots of cars. Got in there and it was crazy with dogs running and splashing around. There were rules and most folk obeyed. It was funny to see lifeguards keeping order. Fuggles was a bit freaked out and stuck by us most of the time. Maggie was in heaven and swam around a whole bunch. I figured a ball would be bad news there, but I was really bummed I did not have one cuz Maggie loves swimming to get the ball. She tried to get in on some others ball action though. Bunches of fun and we will be sure to go if they do it again.
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