Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



do you want smoother and creamier?

I want to let you know about something that changed my life. Back in 2002 Masterfoods has stopped distribution of caramel-filled M&M’s. They were only available in Hispanic test markets. I was ready to start saving money for a obese scooter. I would of dedicated my live to eating caramel M&Ms. Since then I have tried to fill my food port with things to fill the gaping hole in my life that only caramel M&Ms could of filled. The new smoother and creamier caramel kisses do stick to the side of of my broken heart and provide some comfort.

Are they smoother and creamier than before? Ellifino, maybe you can tell. Leave a comment and you could be one of 3 winners to have a bag of this smooth and creamy goo shipped to you. Make sure you put in a real email addy in your comment. Chance to win ends this friday. I will print off the names of all who comment and let Zobert choose the winners. If you can include something kitten or unicorn related in your comment that would be nice. 1 entry per person. BTW I totally am ripping off The Impulsive Buy gimmick.

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