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compiz community member hacks beryl site

from beryl site

On January 2nd, 2007 Beryl was the victim of an online attack directed at our MySQL server. This attack removed most entries for the past several weeks and will cost countless hours in repair and recovery. Logs of the attack have been salvaged and analyzed, and the likely origin of the attack identified. To save as much hysteria as possible, this attack appears to be isolated to the machine of a Compiz community member whose handle will not be released at this time. Logs of the attack will be made publically available once they have been turned over and reviewed by the proper community authorities. The Compiz community has been extremely helpful in dealing with this crisis and have offered additional insight and information to the attack. To put some additional fears to rest, the forums are unnaffected and continue to function normally, the blog, dev blogs, and wiki all suffered hits however. T he recovery process has begun. As updates continue we will post them here.
–The Beryl Team

UPDATE – The “attack” on the site thus far (log review is still going on) seems to be the result of a social engineering effort which allowed the attacker to gain access to a fairly unpriviledged account, but enough to drop some tables. The attacker did not use a proxy and will be reported to their local authorities. Some good news, most content has been restored and more is being restored now.

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