Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |

CAT | humor

ummmmmmm…. OK

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RULES FOR MCDONALDS CUSTOMERS from here 1. bus your own tables 2. don’t set money on a counter…hand it to the cashier 3. don’t take too many napkins 4. don’t take an excessive amount of catchup 5. don’t tell the cashier to upsize if you grill, after the meal is grilled. 6. tell them what […]

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over at star city scene there is a huge cat thread. pretty funny.

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schtupid hampster

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Fosters wikipedia Cheese is sooooo awesome. When I first saw him I laughed so hard a little pee came out. here are some highlights. cool thing was the fans demanded more cheese. he came back a little in a episode a week or so ago, but once again he was featured tonight. Still not as […]

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we are gonna redecorate here soon.

I want a wall of these.

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how to mess with a magacian

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Matt and Trey tell it how it is

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