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CAT | bacon of the month club

I am never brushing my teeth again. Seriously this is the winner and I need not try the rest. Here is what I know about it: (paraphrasing here) Cured in only brown sugar and salt for two weeks (no nitrates or nirtites at all) Can be pink to nut brown cold smoked for 4-7 days […]

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Braunfels seems pretty cool. They hand trim their bacon to increase the meat to fat ratio and smoke for 8 hours. I did some googling while it sat in the fridge waiting for weekend breakfast. There was not too much out there actually. One guy said it is really salty so I was stoked. It […]

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Main site I could smell it through the very well packaged box. It was uber smoked. Grabbed the pack and looked at it and was overcome by smoke aroma. It seeped through vacuum seal and impregnated my fingers with smoke smell. Dry cured with salt, brown sugar, and sodium nitrate and apparently uber smoked it […]

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It was like xmas when this showed up. The packaging was darn good and two pounds of J. Samuel Whiting Bacon smiled back at me. I had to wait for a special occasion to test it out. Saturday turned out to be a perfect time. It looked pretty awesome and thick. I knew I was […]

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