Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |







Ren and Rita



That is the biggest stainless bowl. Lunch is going to rule for quite a while. I gorged on pickings at about midnight. I am about 33% pork right now. Got it to 165 after hours in the plateau and then foil wrapped and finished them in the oven with a 2 hour rest. Was too spent to tear it up that late in the eve, but this morning it pulled apart like nothing. Not sure how many pounds of sweet meat I got, but it is a bunch.

Smoking just makes for such a fun day. My smoker is not fancy with the side box, so I have to monitor the coals constantly. I did way less smoke this time. My last butt was severely oversmoked. This one is the best I have ever done. The smoke is there, but the pork shines through.

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