built a rocket in one hour and am now in good standing with the National Association or Rocketry
The Big Daddy is a rocket’s rocket. It just seems so rockety. Theresa took over my first one and I have plywood parts for another one that I hope to use to get my level 1 license. Last night I just had to build one for me to shoot off whenever I want. The fins go through the body tube and it is super easy to build. I slapped a bunch of epoxy on it, primed, kevlar shock cord attached to the motor mount, and painted it in under an hour. The flat black looks sweet. Theresa might add a little detail to it though.
I am now an official due paying member of the National Association of Rocketry. It is needed to get your multi level licenses and I get liability insurance up to $2 million dollars. I just have to stick to the rocketry code and rules when I fly.
NAR 207452
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