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Brisbane sex toy stroker was on booze bender



A MAN on a booze bender stroked a latex vagina in front of women in Brisbane’s CBD.

David Allan Tolson, 50, does not remember his actions in the Queen Street Mall on September 24 and 25 last year, Brisbane Magistrates Court was told today.

Prosecutor Sergeant Dave Bradley said Tolson went on a bender when he received news his mother had breast cancer.

He approached several groups of Asian women over a two-day period and in front of them he would squeeze and stroke a latex vagina masturbation aid.

He was arrested after a witness reported him to police and he was identified on CCTV.

Tolson pleaded guilty to two counts of committing an indecent act and a charge of sexual assault.

The court was told the latter charge related to him groping an Asian woman outside Brisbane’s Central Station on July 17.

Sgt Bradley said Tolson also made lewd remarks and followed the woman, who has been “extremely traumatised” by the incident, out of the station.

The court was told Tolson has battled with alcoholism since his 30s, and that he was currently an inpatient of a rehabilitation unit in Brisbane’s west.

He was sentenced to a four-month wholly suspended jail sentence for the sexual assault and two years’ probation for the indecent acts.

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