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Bread & Cup to have Nebraska beer showcase Sat featuring Modern Monks brews

From Modern Monks

Yes sir, those crazy cats at Bread & Cup are at it again. If you are looking for some good Nebraska brewed beers this weekend, swing on by Bread & Cup where you can get pints of the Monks schwarzbier as well as a maibock from Empyrean. Maintaining the “wish we were in Franconia” theme, the good folks at B & C will also offer some German inspired foods. Should be a good time…drinking starts at noon. Be prompt, please! It is for your own good. Schwarz should be available on the patio. Bring your own Black & Tan spoon and see if the maibock will float the schwarz. If we are lucky, the heavens will provide a bit of entertainment.

These jokers below all appeared at previous Monk gatherings. What a mix of merry makers…maybe some will show up this weekend…

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