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birdy likes the bluegrass

It is like something out of a Disney movie. A tiny bird
flies through a bluegrass festival and likes what he
hears, so he lands on a musicians guitar and sings

It actually happened to musician Josh Williams last
year at the Doyle Lawson Bluegrass Festival in Denton,
N.C. And it was caught on camera in a clip that has been
making the rounds online for months.

A recent interview with Williams, in Bluegrass Today,
had us relishing once more the feel-good, serendipitous

When the bird lands on Williams’s guitar while he sings
“Mordecai” (about 1:30 into the video), the bird simply
chirps along, even as Williams keeps his own composure
and pets his new feathered fan.

Williams told Bluegrass Today: “I am deathly afraid of
bugs, and all I saw at first was wings. My mind was
saying: ‘Keep singing! Keep singing or you’ll freak out.’
Once I saw it was a little bird, I was really tickled, and
everyone seemed to get a kick out of it sitting there on
my guitar.”

Thanks for sending this in Jan

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