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AT&T signal here in Lincoln?

I am pretty sure I will be getting an iphone here soon. I am a bit worried about the signal here in this fine star city. Anyone want to ease my fears or scare the crap out of me?

Good discussion over in the forum.

Coverage blows in so many ways. Usually can’t get calls/call out from inside The Mill. Can’t get signal inside MY OWN RESIDENCE! I have to go stand on the porch to use my phone at home, and frankly, sometimes I want to lay on the couch in my jammies to talk to my mom, and maybe watch tv at the same time. Nope. Have to go outside. As in, right onto A st. Any idea how fricken loud that is? Or have to go out into the back yard. You have no idea how angry-making it is. I mean, it includes text messages, though sometimes I can sneak those in where a call would have gotten dropped. Your dreams of internet cruising may be more like nightmares.

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