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as of today we are 6 months tobacco free


Previous vape posts

June 20th, 2013 was the day we both quit using tobacco products. After seeing friends have success using personal vaporizers / e-cigs I figured I would give it a shot to quit chewing tobacco. After a couple weeks I was chewing less and less and Theresa picked up some juice. She ditched tobacco cigs the next day, the 20th, and I quit too because she showed me up so hard.

The first couple month anniversaries were fun milestones. We even went out to eat at Rodizio grill on our 3rd month, but have not really paid much attention to it, but knew this one was coming. The amount of time is neat, but not as important as the fact that we are tobacco free.

We both have reduced our nicotine levels and usage of personal vaporizers. For me, I am no longer crushing a craving or even in need of a vape. It is sort of a hobby for me. If I forget to bring it into work, home for lunch, or forget to bring it with me I do not start getting the shakes or cravings. One morning while riding into work I realized I had forgot my PV and had already pedaled a couple blocks. I had gone too far to go back for it.

It is pretty amazing to see how vaping has evolved in just these last 6 months. Back when we started there was just one store in town carrying vaping stuff, GNS Vapor. Now there are at least 6 vape shops. Vaping is in the news often and some great studies are being done. The more mainstream it becomes the more people it can help.

Grimm Green wrote a good piece in The Guardian: Don’t believe the hype: e-cigarettes won’t ruin society, they changed my life

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