an all covering post of my thurs eve.
9 Comments · Posted by beerorkid in bacon, me make food, mental vomit, random crap
First let me start off with recognizing my bunnypansche Theresa.
Theresa is the fricking bomb. She loves to tend to our front yard plants.
She let me vent for a good 10 minutes about stressful stuff at work and just nodded along. It felt really good to get it out.
I am unnaturally happy most of the time. A few minutes of getting the strange feeling of stress out ruled.
She is an amazing listenter eventhough I am not.
She keeps our life, the doggies happy, and finances on track. I have to ask her basic questions about shit I should know. Like my age, our plans, and well pretty much everything.
She fricking rules.
For 3-4 weeks now I have had a flat and the repaired tire for my shitty truck just sitting behind our garage. Tonight I finally got it switched out and the truck is once again mobile. Although it only gets used maybe 30 times a year, it is nice to have it functional once again.
Yard work has slacked for over a month. This pic below is the sunflowers I let grow this year. They are a huge unmanageable mess, but will produce hundreds of flowers here soon and will continue to seed the next years batch. My entire yard could be sunflowers if I did not choose to keep only specific ones. Years past have been huge and a severe mess. I thought only 3 would be manageable, I was wrong. They are huge and take up 1/2 of my small back yard.
I mowed, weed whacked, and cleaned up which was no small task. My neighbor wanted to replace the fence posts behind my garage. He asked me if I would clear out the area. It was a complete jungle which would of scared any man. Unfortunately I did not take a before pic. What you see below is after the second attempt to clean it out. There was a bunch of lumber and junk leaning against the fence which helped the posts rot which had been there before I moved in 7 or so years ago.
The lumber had rotted so severely and was filled with so many bugs that I shrieked like a girl a few times while wiping off stinging ants and being very creeped out. I got bit a few times. I am no wussie, but we are talking wood that has been there for a long time. We are talking white centepedes, strange betles, and other creep crawlies which I only saw for a few seconds while I tossed the wood.
Lucky for me the neighbor said he plans to wait for a cooler weekend to do the work. So I can take a bit to clean it up further. He said I need not help or help pay for the work, cleaning it up was enough. I am such a bad neighbor 🙁 I need to load up the truck with all the rotted wood and get it to the dump sometime next week. Theresa wants to plant some iliac bushes there. They are her favorite.
Sometime here soon I will clean out my garage, which is a 2 + stall beast filled with tons of crap. It is disgusting. It will take a rolloff for sure. We are talking a garage that has seen 3 other roommates, being a tye dye factory, wood shop, tint factory, brewery, guitar making shop, and mechanics area and never really cleaned for 8 or so years. There is a bunch of crap shoved to the edges and I bet I get ton from all the aluminum.
I hang my head in shame for how disgusting it is.
I was soaked from head to toe from all the work tonight. Old style kept me going. Showered and made an awesome sammich. Turkey, provolone, tomatoes, lettuce, honey turkey, bacon, and toasted potato sourdough bread. It was delicious.
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