Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



amazing what a little light can do / weekend food


The island is coming along, but till then we have this tiny counter for all we do. It was really under lighted (lit?) and made cutting a bit scarier. We had a battery powered light, which really made no difference at all. Made our way to home depot and saw the florescent jobbies. I inquired about the halogen and well they be bright. So bright, oh man it is a ton of light.



Theresa made some sort of no knead bread which was rich and a bit sweet. Like an almost cake bread.


We have tried this au gratin recipe twice, the second time was the charm after using some uber bacon. The smokyness of the bacon and thickening up the sauce with extra cheese made it rule.


Did our first pork roast in the crock and it was pretty dam awesome. It came from Hollenbeck Farms of course. made two awesome lunches out of it.


Got a cool meal planned for tonight. A bit of batch work, a good dinner, and a bunch of meals for Theresa’s lunchies in one.

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