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Almost None reunion show tonight


from bunny thunders:

rock out like it was 10 years ago!! we did a quick “run through” tonight and it went quite well. hopefully we will fulfill your post xmas rock and roll desire. please come see us tonight @ the Chatterbox..we’ll love you for it..and thanks again to the cbox for having us!

A long time ago Almost None rocked basements all over town, including mine. They gonna get back together for a reunion show at the chatterbox Tues the 26th. Should be a bunch of fun.

From Greg
Almost None is a long defunct band. we will play some rock songs. we hope we play them well.
Rock Rose is Brandon McKenzie and Lori Alison’s new project. i’m yet to hear them – but considering the line up, i am sure they are great.
Nick Westra is a genius. you all know him from Crush The Clown. this evening he will play solo.

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