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All feline hospital


As I have mentioned before Thunky is kind of a Dbag. He has to be tough because he gets picked on by the dogs, or at least that is my excuse. Well he needed shots and we wanted to take him to a cat specialist because our normal vet has labeled him as evil and they do not like dealing with him. Thunky really really does not like the vet. he makes sounds we have only heard at the vet. I fear for the vets life when he has to visit.

We searched and asked friends and decided to go with the All Feline Hospital. The vet, I forget her name, was very thorough. it was quite the experience. Thunky sat in his carrier while we talked. She wanted to know all about him and we spent a good amount of time talking about his urinary tract blockage 6 months ago. She told us that the distemper is good for at least 3 years, even though it is a yearly booster. They are in trials to get it approved for 5 years. So Thunky would not need a shot after all.

She wanted to try to interact with Thunky and dimmed the lights and had a vet tech come in. They took the lid off the carrier and he just sat there pissed as hell. She then tried to put a glove over him just to see how he reacted. Thunkers did not like that at all. They put the lid back on and said it would be best if we were able to give him a sedative before he came in next time.

They did not charge us at all for the visit, but we picked up some Rx food for him. It was about an hour long visit. We were very impressed. She took the time to get a full history on Thunky, talk with us about a lot of stuff, thank us for sticking to the Rx diet. Explained a bunch of stuff to us. She even gave us her personal email addy to contact her if needed. We will take him to them from now on without second guessing it at all. Thunky is a total Dbag at the vet and they seemed more than happy to take him on as a client.

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