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Al Bundy stumping for Obama

I am not joking when I say that my idol in life is Al Bundy. We have all the seasons on DVD and the bedroom DVR is filled with MWC which lulls me to sleep nightly. I did my final speech in college on him.


Barack Obama Friday found a novel way to appeal to the white blue-collar voters he badly needs to win in Ohio: Get Al Bundy to campaign for him.

And so Ed O’Neill, the actor who portrayed the embattled husband and father on “Married with Children” came to Youngstown, Ohio, to stump for the Democratic nominee.

O’Neill got a big welcome from the crowd at Youngstown State University, which had gathered to hear Sen. Hillary Clinton. “I haven’t been here in 10 years,” O’Neill said, ‘and I usually don’t get involved in politics.”

Then he recalled growing up here, and urged a vote for Obama. The crowd in this working-class town loved it.

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