Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



a 21 gun salute

Buried Theresa’s Grandpa today. Was neat to see the changes in the Catholic mass. It tripped up a couple folks. Theresa’s dad is the oldest son so his family sat in the front row with Grandma. Legionnaires assisted with the service and did a 21 gun salute with taps. I had never seen that before and it was powerful for sure. Also I think I heard some journalist type say an article is going to be posted on about it.

Speaking of Legionnaires… Wow they are pretty cool. Supper was upstairs and the bar was downstairs. They gave me a good amount of crap before I got a stiff as hell drink. They went through the food line last and then split up to hang with the ladies. They were fun.

We hit up Faltien’s Meats twice throughout the day. I have tons of magic pork. The very first time I met Leonard Prusa he fed me Faltien’s windsor smoked pork loins and I fell in love. Theresa is pretty cool too.

This morning every thing was sparkling. Fog had built up insane on trees between Scribner and North Bend. It was like driving through a fairy tale. Theresa passed 3 cars while making the evil laugh on the way back. We love that car. I put in the winter mats last night and just took her for a wursh. She drives so fine.

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