Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



Tuesday morning, several people were conversing (rather colorfully, be warned) about this crime in a local blogger’s message board

Chief Casady giving some props to Fluxus for catching that fella who spray painted the capitol.

Tuesday morning, several people were conversing (rather colorfully, be warned) about this crime in a local blogger’s message board: beerorkid. If you follow the thread, at 10:41 AM a participant with the screen name Fluxus notes that he saw a man carrying a sign downtown late last week with the same obscure message. A few minutes later at 11:22 AM, Fluxus (still online) sees the same guy entering the Bennett Martin Public Library downtown, posts his observation, and calls the State Patrol.

A bit bummed the LJS did not mention how it all went down. The head of the NSP personally thanked Fluxus and gave him a little gift to say thanks. Pretty cool. Who knew my site could actually be useful 😉

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