So Potato was all like OMG, and I was like me wanty. So headed down to La Tapitia to grab some Inka Kola and they did not have the fancy glass bottles, but they had a 2 liter. Been in the fridge for a while because I kept asking myself, “What food goes with bubble gum soda?
Tamales? NO
Home made smoky cheseburger mac? NO
Ribs? NO
Vodka? YES 🙂 (vodka is food right?)
Cracked open the bottle and took a sniff. Smelled interesting. Poured a glass and took a sip. It does have a bubblygummy taste, but I think it is closer to cream soda with a twang. I loves me some vanilla and it is pretty darn good. It is Peruvian, ooooooooooooooooooooohvian
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