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some work on our teef


Theresa and I go to the same dentist, and the past two times we have had appointments on the same day. Well today we both go in for some mouth numbing fun. Kinda funny that my work is having a dessert extravaganza competition and after that I go to dentist.

Well Theresa is going to be having lots of dental visits here soon. She is going to get braces put on later this month. I am completely blown away by how far braces have come in the almost 20 years since mine were removed.

She will be going with a fairly new system called Damon. The brackets are part plastic, part meatal, and have a mech clamp built into them. That means only a single wire is needed and the clamp anchors the wire not rubber bands or twisted metal wires. They are all smooth on the edges and there will be no pokey parts needing the wax I used for 18 months as a geeky tween. The wire is made from memory metals that stretch. It makes it hard to over tighten and will reduce adjustments by half. She will have 7-9 adjustments over her treatments unlike the 17 I had.

That is so unfair.

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