Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



ooooooo I was published

LJS Recipe Box, 3/4

In Recipe Box on, beerorkid sent in recipes for Tomato Dill Soup and Mushroom Pate and wrote that there is a facebook page of former Crane employees —

“We have two recipes on there. The owners are hoping to one day make a book with the recipes.

The bangers were some brand, and we cooked them in stout beer.

The veggi burro was basically a stirfry with some dill havarti cheese and maybe some mushroom pate.

There was a gorgonzola dressing, I do not think there was a soup.

Artichoke dip was mayo, sour cream, garlic, frozen spinach and lots of parmesan cheese.”

it lists the recipes I posted as well.

I have started working on my peabody acceptance speech.

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