Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



I will be evaluating corn VS peas


The corn is a shoutout to our farmers. We all know peas are nothing but a conspiracy perpetrated by the USDA to make children cry. So I got some peas as well 😉

Only my sister in-law and codezero have wondered why I would permanently sterilize myself. From the egg I have always not been one who does what the norm is. Brought up in a Christian household, attending catholic school, I just was a question asker. “Just cuz” never was an answer I could accept. I find team sports to be boring as hell and caring a bit about who wins never interested me one bit. Some folks want children, but Theresa and I never have. Frankly I find children annoying as heck. We would of made great parents, but do not want the job. A kid is like four premium pinball machines a year in cost. I have yet to get one premium machine because the cost it just not justifiable. At least I have a really cool nephew I can do fun things with and then return him at the end of the day and continue to live my life as a kid.

A comment on an earlier post from itwentwrong linked to the complications he had with his vasectomy. It was a brutal read. I know about the risks and hope all turns out well. My doctor has performed hundreds of vasectomies and I am confident in having him do the procedure.

7:15 AM tomorrow I go in. I plan on posting how it goes.

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